Unlike .co.uk or .uk, there are special rules for the registration of a .ltd.uk domain name or .plc.uk domain name. They are reserved for public & limited companies registered in England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) who are listed on Companies House.
Additionally, the domain name has to match the company name exactly. For example if you want to register Ralph's Roofing Ltd, you would have to use a domain name like ralphsroofing.ltd.uk or ralphs-roofing.ltd.uk. If your registered name contains 'the' or 'company', you may remove them. Equally, you don't need to include limited or ltd or the Welsh equivalents.
The registration will need to be manually approved by Nominet, the registry, directly and may therefore take up to three working days.
Our team will be more than happy to guide you through the process, so let's chat!